As soon as I saw the little tower for sale, I fell in love with it immediately. Now I’m the proud new owner, I must get huge satisfaction at the pleasure it brings to our visitors. There are so many aspects to enjoy: sights, sounds, perfumes, flavours, warmth…
Dating back to the sixteenth century, little is known about the tower’s purpose. But its position, its architectural style, the crossbow holes under its windows and the curious stone bench in the wall, it is possible that it was used as a watchtower, either at the end of the Hundred Years War or during the religious wars in the area.
Another theory is that it was provided as a refuge for pilgrims on their way to Compostella by the Knights Templar who controlled the area. Strange scratches on the stone could be either ancient marks to ward off witches or even an early Copernicus.
When the former owners bought it, the tower had only a roof, windows and door. Only the beautiful lattice windows and the roof with chestnut beams in the original style of the area were already restored. They used artist furniture makers to create stunning woodwork throughout the building.
Many of the visitors are fascinated by the huge variety of wild flowers and creatures in our little paradise. The wild prairie field has many different kinds of orchids, wild herbs and other interesting plants. Beautiful butterflies flit about in the spring and summer, crazy bugs have made their home, and nightingales will sing you to sleep.
Star Gazing
Because we are deep in rural France, light pollution is minimal and the night sky is a wonder to behold. Some keen stargazers bring specialist telescopes to view the galaxy at close quarters.
About the owners
The tower is owned by Edith. She lives in the Netherlands.